The group Laboratorio di Nursing Narrativo Milano debuts with a book for students and nurses dedicated to the collection and analysis of sixty cases of ethical value.
The book, published by McGraw Hill, is entitled “Stories of people, voices of nurses – an innovative approach to the study of bioethics and deontology”.
The text, a useful tool for the training of university students and for professional updating, addresses various issues ranging from bioethics of everyday life to bioethics of the border, is proposed as a collection of cases of ethical value, narrated directly by nurses who have experienced them.
This is the debut in the world of publishing dedicated to the nursing sciences of the Laboratorio di Nursing Narrativo Milano group, which is the formalization of various experiences of study, training, research that has involved dozens of nurses (and other health workers) in the last twenty years. The group is led by Paola Gobbi and composed of Rosa Anna Alagna, Daiana Campani, Annalisa Colombo, Elisa Crotti, Doriana Montani, Claudia Passoni, Debora Rosa, Ornella Teti.
The daily routine of nursing care and the ethical dilemmas faced by professionals when responding to the needs of individuals and their families are recounted. The stories told are divided by themes and range from everyday bioethics (information and consent, privacy and communication) to bioethics of the frontier (beginning and end of life, elderly and chronic illness, experimentation and research), but also address the ethical problems that arise in the training of future generations of nurses and the organization of care services. An entire chapter is dedicated to international comparison (Nursing around the world) and to the new challenges of nursing, with a reflection on the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the role played by health professionals in emergency management. Ideal for undergraduate education and professional development, the volume is enriched by numerous references to articles in the new Nurses’ Code of Ethics 2019 and is a valuable guide for decision-making in professional practice.
Ideal for university training and professional development, the book is enriched by numerous references to articles of the new Code of Nursing Ethics 2019 and is a valuable tool to guide decision-making in professional practice. #NurseTimes – Journal of Health Information
The book is available for purchase both on online sites (e.g., Amazon, Hoepli, Ibs, University Bookstore) and in top bookstores.