As pointed out by Maria Clara Tonini, Neurologist at the Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Headache, San Carlo Clinic, Paderno Dugnano (Milan) and Secretary ANIRCEF (Italian Neurological Association for Headache Research) and Professor ASC (Association for a School of Headache), and Maria Giulia Marini, Director of the Health Care Area of Fondazione ISTUD, migraine today uses specific therapies, with proven effectiveness. Nevertheless, a large proportion of patients is not adequately treated. Narrative Medicine, in association with pharmacological treatment, could represent a new opportunity to improve the management of the disease and, above all, the quality of life of the patient.
We refer to the reading of this interesting article, published in “Medico e Paziente”, which allows to outline the history of the Drone Project and in which it clearly emerges how the Narrative Medicine supports the need for a bio-psycho-social model in the approach to the treatment of migraine. In fact, using the tool of narration, it gives voice to how the migraine sufferer lives the disease (attacks, examinations, visits, treatment path), the illness (discomfort, loneliness, isolation) and the sikness (family relationships, study, work, economic, cultural), in order to co-construct with the clinician and the caregiver a “new story of disease”.