Lecturer in Medical and Cultural Anthropology, Semiotics of Culture and Diversity Management at the University of Turin, she holds two PhDs in Ethnoanthropology and Ethnology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and in Anthropologie sociale et Ethnologie at the EHESS of Paris; second degree in Clinical Psychology Magistral.
In 2011 she was awarded the International Prize “Racisme, antisemitisme et xenophobie” banned by the City of Paris, after a post-doctorate in Ethnopsychiatry at IRIS a l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales in Paris.
Since 2013, he is in charge of Etnonursing missions in Kenya, Senegal, Madagascar, Albania as president of the International non-profit organization Prati-care.
She has worked and published monographs, articles and essays in national and international journals in particular on the relationship doctor, health worker/patient and the role of the body and its language in disease, blood donation, health of migrants and political refugees, domestic violence and funeral rituals in the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2020 she published Narrare la Violenza. Cultura, cura e Clinica.
The European Narrative Medicine Society was born from an idea of the Italian Society of Narrative Medicine (SIMeN), and it is an association of non-profit researchers dedicated to the investigation of Medical Humanities and Humanities for Health in the medical, health care, social services.
The purpose of this European Society is to promote and strengthen dialogues, discussions on the present and the future of Medical Humanities and narrative medicine, for health professionals, researchers (both academics and non-academics), humanists, teachers and other professionals coming from every branch. All this with the aim to contribute to improve both the well-being of people who suffer from a physical condition or a mental illness, and the health workers, the caregivers, the social services and the citizenship.
VISIT THE EUNAMES PAGE TO LEARN MORE: https://www.medicinanarrativa.eu/eunames
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