Evidence Based Narrative Medicine: from the integration between numbers and narrations came out a scientific publication

We present with pleasure a new scientific publication related to our project of Narrative Medicine: Digits and narratives of the experience of Italian families facing premature births, published on The Journal of Maternal and Fetal Neonatal Medicine.

The article it’s related to the Born before the time project, a collection of narrations that involved 150 families that experienced the premature born of a child. The project was developed by ISTUD Foundation with the precious collaboration of Vivere onlus and the unconditional support of AbbVie.

The narrations collected, crossed with the data obtained from a quantitative questionnaire, allowed the identification of concrete spaces of intervention to improve care services of premature births, strarting from the real and global past experiences of the involved families that, in addition to facing long and complicated ways of care, are living the daily familiar, working and social repercussions.

For more info:

Paola Chesi

Degree in Natural Science at University of Turin, Italy. Project Manager and trainer at ISTUD – Health Care Area since 2010. Expert in health care organizational research and in the approach with Narrative Medicine, applied to national and international projects to analyse the organization and quality of pathways of care. Coordinator of training programmes ECM accredited (Continuous Medical Education system) addressed to health care professionals, as trainer and tutor. Coordinator of European projects, Lifelong Learning Programme funded, with a specific focus on storytelling. Collaboration with the Italian Society of Narrative Medicine and with international universities. Participation as speaker at several congresses promoted by scientific societies and Health Authorities.

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