Starting with a haiku: suicide and storytelling. Exacerbating violence on oneself, violence on those left behind and speaking out as a coping strategy – by Roberta Invernizzi

Continua a leggereStarting with a haiku: suicide and storytelling. Exacerbating violence on oneself, violence on those left behind and speaking out as a coping strategy – by Roberta Invernizzi

Respect, Responsibility, Relationship-based-on-Recognition, the three ‘R’ of healthcare: the Group of Study and Reflection on Narrative Medicine – by Susana Magalhães

Continua a leggereRespect, Responsibility, Relationship-based-on-Recognition, the three ‘R’ of healthcare: the Group of Study and Reflection on Narrative Medicine – by Susana Magalhães

a multi-disciplinary perspective on humanism and health: the Center for Health Humanities at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences – by Dien Ho

Continua a leggerea multi-disciplinary perspective on humanism and health: the Center for Health Humanities at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences – by Dien Ho

Permeate the healthcare environment with a narrative culture: the Narrative Medicine Laboratory at Valparaíso University – by Pamela Jofré and Rodrigo Vergara

Continua a leggerePermeate the healthcare environment with a narrative culture: the Narrative Medicine Laboratory at Valparaíso University – by Pamela Jofré and Rodrigo Vergara

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